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Clarity for Optimum Growth

LEADERSHIP potential and organizational performance is key to growth. I am proud to offer the Actualized Leader Profile (ALP) to organizations and individuals seeking to develop as leaders and understand their weaknesses while evolving their strengths.

Looking inward is an invaluable tool when assessing next steps to success.

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Image by Annie Spratt
Leadership Assessments
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Actualized Leader Profile (ALP) is a 57-item self assessment that measures your dominant motive need  and corresponding style of leadership. Based on the seminal works of  Abraham Maslow and David McClelland, the ALP measures the degree of self-actualization that is demonstrated in your current style of  leadership.

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ALP360° is a 30-item  multi-rater assessment that provides feedback to the participant on both  perceptions of leadership style (based on the ALP framework) and the  four competencies of emotional intelligence (EQ): Self Awareness, Self  Management, Social Awareness and Social Management.

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The Group Culture Profile (GCP) is a 25-item self-assessment designed to measure the culture or  “personality” of a work group, team, or organization. Based on the  seminal works of Wilfred Bion and Jerry B. Harvey, the GCP measures the underlying emotionality or “EQ” of a group.


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